Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday

"If we could capture the essence of our youth and keep the innate zest for life alive, we would be much happier adults."
~Mama Hen
Valentine's Day was so much fun! Little Chick loved opening all of her mail she received at school from her buddies. She opened each one with such fervor and giddiness, the room was filled with complete happiness! She also could not wait to tell Lolli and Gigi all about her Valentine's day at school. If only we could capture this beautiful zest for life and all the simple pleasures. Happy Thanksgiving Thursday!
Thanksgiving Thursday: 1.) Little Chick and my family 2.) The simple pleasures in life. 3.) The lessons I learn from Little Chick and her love for everything! 4.) Our beautiful animals. 5.) Each and every day!


  1. What a cute little outfit!

    Happy Thursday friend!

  2. It's nice to know that we're always remembered through simple gifts.

  3. Love her heart tights! She looks sooo happy and your words sound happy too.

  4. That child is such a delight! And look at that happy picture with LC and her two doggies. ♥♥

  5. Today I am thankful for my kids making their own bowling alley out in the barn and Playing "pig" (Shooting basket ball) with their Dad. My kids being happy getting Valentine cards in the mail.

  6. love her little heart cute and stylish!!!

  7. a five-year's life and outlook is pretty awesome : ) that's once of the reasons i love teaching kindergarten : )

    happy belated valentine's day!!
    love from minnesota .....

    e and z have the same tights : ) darling pics.

  8. It looks like Little Chick really enjoyed her Valentine's Day (just like she enjoys every day)! What a little blessing!

  9. They start so young! Apologies for not calling by to comment very often, time just seems to get swallowed up by real life!

  10. You do have some very sweet animals! :)


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