Sunday, January 27, 2013

Chinese New Year Celebration

"Celebrate each day like it is the start of the New Year! Every day brings the refreshing gift of change and the opportunity to learn and grow." ~Mama Hen
Today we had so much fun at a Chinese New Year celebration with friends! There were crafts for the children to do, beautiful music, delicious food and amazing entertainment. Little Chick loved the little doggie show. This dog could push a scooter, do a hand stand, pull a toy and so much more. It was so much fun to learn about Chinese customs and to celebrate with good friends. Little Chick got up and started dancing. Everyone watched her exquisite talent. She was a star! 
Happy Chinese New Year!


  1. So fun to see those pics of Little Chick - how she's growing up!♥♥

  2. Sounds like such a fun day! Making lots of great memories and learning a lot too!

  3. That sounds like so much fun! You really do expose her to so many wonderful things!

  4. Happy Chinese New Year!! Happy Year of the Snake! (I just looked up the 2013 Chinese Zodiac...I used to have so much fun doing that as a kid.) As always, it looks like Little Chick had tons of fun!!


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