Have a great holiday!
1.) Little Chick and my family.
2.) Air conditioning (it was over 90 degrees today and humid).
3.) The ability to read.
4.) To live in a country where we have freedom and women's voices can be heard.
5.) To have a family who loves me so much!
What are your five blessings you are thankful for today?
When I was younger I loved to save my money and travel every chance I got. I drove in my Jeep Wrangler (a very bumpy ride I might add) from Connecticut down to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and found myself an apartment for three months. I did not know anybody there at the time and when I look back now I think about the many risks I took traveling alone in another country. I ended up living there for two years.
This was a time that I also started skydiving. I had a huge fear of heights so I figured I would jump out of a plane in order to conquer it (13,500 ft jump and 6000 ft free fall). I did this many times up until the year before I had my daughter. Would I ever do it again? Never! I am in a different place in my life now and my daughter comes first. I don't want or need to take unnecessary risks.
My adventures now include Little Chick! I plan on traveling with her and sharing the most amazing journey together as mommy and daughter!
Make sure to enter this week's raffle! Details on the left!
I will announce the winner of the raffle on Monday!!
1.) Little Chick and my family!
Make sure to enter the raffle!! Details on left.
It always comes down to me wanting the absolute best for Little Chick! When I was younger I had a vision of "what it would be" as an adult. In that picture, Little Chick had a sibling. As much as it is important to set goals and reach for the stars, there are just some things that are not God's plan. It is something I have to work on about myself and accepting that things don't always turn out the way we expect them to. I know that Little Chick does not know any different that she is an only child at this point. I just want to be able to give her the moon! The mind is a powerful thing and we need to find acceptance in the things that are not within our control. So, while the vision is not what I had planned on, I am going to make sure that Little Chick and I dance every day!!
Thank you so much Tiffany at My Crazy Kind of Wonderful for presenting me with the One Lovely Blog Award!
The Thoughts and Travels of Rachel Cotterill, Ashlee Comma Love, Midatlantic Mommy , Lissy in Italy , Glitter Shoes, Polka Dots & Pink Lemonade , Taking It All In , 29 Lincoln Avenue, The Mommyhood Memos, In a Nutshell , Beautiful calling , Welcome to Anything Mom, Twenty Little Toes, Little Miss Momma, A Mama Stork Knows
Congratulations ladies! You deserve it!
Make sure to enter the raffle! Details are on the left!
When it first happened it had taken me a while to get the courage up to tell her. I made excuses about where the dog was and I simply could not get the strength or heart to divulge the truth. I finally explained that Cuddles was up in Heaven with her Granddaddy and Uncle George. She liked the idea that they were way up like the birdies watching over us and keeping us safe.
The other day Little Chick woke up and asked if she could take Cuddles for a walk. She said that she did not want him up in the big sky any more. My eyes welled up with tears as I had to explain to her that Cuddles would not be back, but that he was looking down on us from up in Heaven. She said she didn't want him there any more and that she wanted him to come home. She got very quiet and then said, "Mommy, I really miss him."
As a parent we want to protect our children from anything and everything that would ever hurt them, but the reality is that we can't always protect them. It is a hard lesson for both parent and child. We can only try our best to soothe their beautiful little hearts and souls.
Come and enter the raffle to the left!
Mrs. F at As the Forest{e} Grows Tiffany at My Crazy Kind of Wonderful Wanda at At Last...We Are Family Pamela at Music for Special Kids Gina at The Ish Blog
Once again Ashlee, thank you so much for yet another award! I feel so honored! With this award comes 10 questions that Ashlee has made up for me:
1.)Why do you blog?
I love to write! I enjoy sharing the amazing journey my daughter and I are on, as well as trying to inspire others.
2.) What are your three best memories?
Being blessed with Little Chick!!!!! Sunday breakfast with my beloved Dad and family. Going to the beach with Little Chick! 3.) If you had to change your real name, what would you change it to?
Got me thinking!! Hmmmm! Soraya. 4.) What are 5 things you can't live without?
Family, shelter, food, camera and pictures, and the beach. 5.) What are the the 4 best books you have ever read?
The Ultimate Gift, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, The Kite Runner, The Sacrifice of Tamar 6.) Tell me something unique & interesting about yourself?
I am a hopeless romantic and very old fashioned. I wish I could have lived in the “ballroom days” and danced with Fred Astaire. 7.) What do you love about yourself?
My enormous love for others!
8.) What is the best movie ever made?
Gone with the Wind 9.) If you have a Freaky Friday experience who would you want to trade places with and why? A young Ginger Rogers so I could dance the night away!! 10.) What's the best part about being a woman?
Being a mommy!!!!!
I pass this award on to:
Tiffany at My Crazy Kind of Wonderful Neelam at Zara and Zidan
Congratulations!! Now answer the ten questions, pass the award on to your favorite bloggers and create your own ten questions for them.
I want to thank Tiffany and Ashley once again for giving me these three wonderful awards!! What an honor!!
P.S. I have had some computer issues, so please disregard the spacing above. It is not how I set it up!
Little Chick is what keeps me going!