Tuesday, January 18, 2011


"Determination is the key ingredient to achieving one's goals." ~Mama Hen
There was a time that I thought that everything was within my reach. Everything! I was raised to be strong and determined by parents and grandparents who not only talked about it, but showed me through their endless perseverance. The past ten years has been quite a challenge for me. I have been sent one mountain to climb after another. There are times I feel as though I have lost a bit of my "determined" strength. When my Dad passed away twelve years ago I felt a rush of energy leave my existence. I have been trying to restore it since then. He was my rock and I miss him terribly as I climb each mountain. I know his spirit and strength live within my heart and soul and it is this knowledge that always helps me to push forward. These pictures carry that determined part of me that my father so diligently instilled.I can remember that day like it was yesterday. It was, in fact, twenty four years ago. I was at karate summer camp and some of the black belts were asked to break ice for the newspaper who had come to do an article. I was really scared. I had been doing karate for ten years at that point (since I was six years old) and had trained every day for years, but my insecurity of the unknown had gotten the best of me. The first time I went to break the ice I did not accomplish my goal. My hand, wrist and arm sent a pain shooting right through my body! My teacher yelled for me to do it again. The thought of my arm smashing against that ice again was nauseating. However, I did what was asked of me. Again it did not break. At that point I wanted to cry (I think I did) and my Dad's determination kicked in from deep inside of me. My teacher looked at my wrist and arm and said, "Enough!" and I told him I would not quit! So with a vengeance and a very blue swollen arm I shot through that ice with all that I had! It is moments like these that help remind us how strong we are within and without.


  1. Wow, I doubt I would have carried on. That's incredible!

  2. I think you are awesome ... totally completely and honestly awesome, both in spirit, mind and body. How inspiring. You are my hero!

  3. Those are awesome pics, and so telling. I just can't imagine you giving up at anything. Hang in there sweet girl. :)

  4. Oh my gosh, those are amazing pictures. What an incredible story. You are one tough girl. :) I got a little teary reading this, I'm feeling down today and your post inspired to be push ahead. oxox

  5. Wow! Go Mama Hen! That's determination and it's still in you. Just tap into it whenever you need!

  6. THAT IS AWESOME!!! You are amazing and you'll stand up on that mountain again. hang in there, life always has a way of turning around and rewarding you for tenacity.

  7. That's a handy trick! I can't imagine doing it over and over again. Ouch!

  8. Awesome!!

    I am a new follower, thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day!

  9. Hey Mama Hen, that is simply awesome....!! Trust you and Little Chick have been well.

  10. Wow! Those photos and your story is amazing! I'm so encouraged and inspired to keep going after what is important to me. Thank you so much for sharing this beautifully written post. Snuggle up and stay warm over there! We have a new storm coming tomorrow! hugs, Candace

  11. what awesome strength! Your father, as you share stories with all of us throughout your posts, sounded like the strongest, best dad in the world :) You were SO blessed to have him as an inspiration in your life and now you pass his spirit on through Little Chick! You still have that STRENGTH...you may just not see it the way we all do :) Have a great night!

  12. Wow, Mama Hen, that's awesome! You are strength personified, I really admire you!

  13. Wow!!! Talk about determination! Those pictures are incredible. (I can't believe at first I thought they were stock photos...) Yes, it's hard to keep determined on most days. (I know that my lack of energy is usually the culprit.) Still, I know that your father would want to see you keep on striving to be your best, and to be honest, I think you are one determined, amazing Mama. I definitely still see that determined spirit that existed when you broke the ice :)

    Keep warm Mama Hen...you're right...more snow ahead.

  14. What a story! You are a strong, determined woman!

  15. That is awesome! That kind of determination in life is so important! There are many times in life we want to give up, but finding that inner strength to keep going is so important! Little Chick is so lucky to have such a wonderful role model!

  16. Wow! Great photos!
    I know what you mean when you describe an energy leaving you when your Dad passed. I felt the same when I lost my Mum 5 yrs ago this yr. I havent been the same since until recently. From nowhere I have returned...not sure why exactly but I always remember My Mum is always with me and pushing me along...Just like your Dad is x

  17. You were blessed to have your Dad to motivate you to do your best.

  18. Holy cow! You go girl! Not that's some determination! Your Dad is proud of you every single day- don't forget that!

  19. Oh wow, way to go girl! Your comment cracked me up, although I'm sure it wasn't funny in the moment! I will check out your other site you told me about, and I would love it if you featured me about A Meal in the Mail. Thanks so much!

  20. You are one powerful MAMA! Perseverance is key to getting the most out of life!

  21. Okay, so I've always been inspired by you, but now I'm just a little bit fearful of your determination and sheer will. Good for you, MH! You still have it. You may not be physically breaking ice everyday, but you are still a warrior! Love to you!

  22. Wow....that was true grit. You've always impressed me - now I'm utterly wowed. You think you've lost some of that grit but you may be selling yourself short. With all the mountains you speak about having to conquer in the past ten years - your ture spirit seems to be alive and well.

    Very inspiring.

  23. Mama Hen - that's just incredible! I love that you're calling on this experience. There's so much there I'm sure. Thanks for sharing this, your determination inspires me!

  24. Just remember that everything happens for a reason, and you are the person you are today because of the sum of things that have occurred in your life and how you've handled them. Live looking forward. Trust in God. You are an amazing mom and daughter, doing an excellent job where you are called today.



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