Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rewind and Thanksgiving Thursday

"To rewind in our minds to a time of such happiness is to be blessed with fond memories." ~Mama Hen
I came across these pictures and felt a rush of warmth and happiness when looking at them. I wonder if I would have remembered this day so vividly or at all if I had not found these, but I can recall the day perfectly. Our driveway had become a sheet of ice. It was a super slope for us to go sledding. My Dad put on my moms warm knit hat and I am obviously wearing my big sister's boots, which are clearly too big. All a set up for lots of fun! I am also wearing a pink jacket much like Little Chick's coat. It was a really great day followed by hot chocolate! I am amazed that my sister came along because she always avoided the cold as much as possible and still does. If I could rewind to that day once again I surely would. It was a really happy family day!

Check out that old station wagon. It was the seventies. Can you tell?
Look at little me giving my Dad and sister a push. I love sledding!

Thanksgiving Thursday

1.) I am so grateful for Little Chick and my family.

2.) For all the fond memories of my childhood. They are blessings that I will always cherish.

3.) Heat. I know I have said it before, but when you lose heat when the temperature is in the teens you really feel grateful when it is turned back on. It also makes me think about all the poor unfortunate people who are living on the streets. May they find peace and warmth in such trying times.

4.) My friend Marcy who is always a true friend and full of love, hope and inspiration!

5.) Our little Kittie cats. They bring Little Chick and I so much love and joy.


  1. Looks like such a fun day! We had a station wagon just like that when I was growing up, too. I loved sledding and toboganing when I was a kid.We have some old super 8 movies of me and my sisters sledding with my father. It is fun to rewind and remember (:

  2. Looks like such a fun day. Isn't it grate going back in time.

  3. How sweet! You've always had such a great bond with your family- little chick is so blessed!

    I can relate to heat. We got a spring fix saturday through tuesday. But guess what? Our heat and hot water was out those days, too! So we got the heat and hot water working again just on time before we had another cold spell. I feel so blessed for that :)

  4. Following you back from the blog hop! Thanks for the follow, you have a great blog!

    Ash from The Adventures of Ash and Rowe

  5. What lovely pictures to spur the memory of a beautiful day. I love it when you talk about memories of your dad - your writing comes alive when you do. Happy Thursday, MH!

  6. Thanks for adding my blog button. I appreciate it!

  7. Reminiscing on old memories, especially from our childhood are the best ones! Such cute pics, I bet your booties were freezing cold! ;)

  8. In the first photo I thought you were Little Chick. Too fun! Love those 'wood siding' cars. Who on earth thought of that design? Great photos and memories.

  9. Wonderful moment in time. Another good reminder to capture those moments in pictures.


  10. How wonderful to find these photos and be able to remember such a happy memory! I'm sure Little Chick enjoyed seeing these, as well. Stay warm over there! Candace

  11. It's really great that you were able to keep and preserve those photos. :)

  12. How precious to find those photos. I'm so glad you have such wonderful memories to draw from!

  13. I love how you're continuing the sledding tradition with Little Chick! Looks like so much fun! What a happy memory!

  14. Love old pictures like that! It's so nice to really appreciate those great times had so long ago :-)

    And, I would love to be part of your Nestwork! What do I have to do?

    Have a great night!

  15. what great memories! looks like SO much fun and you have those pictures to last a lifetime :)

    Have a great night!

  16. What a fun time! Yes, we are blessed to be able to carry special memories in our hearts. I have fond memories of being my dad's fishing buddy...every now and then I'm reminded of those moments when I look at his old bass boat in our driveway or old pictures. I love your father more and more everytime you tell us something new about him. Thanks for sharing Mama Hen and encouraging me to think back at some fond moments with my dad too.

  17. what great memories such moments make! thank you for sharing these precious pictures with us. and thanks for stopping by my place too..:)

  18. What a fun look back! We had an old station wagon like that too. LOL

  19. Love your pictures! We had a station wagon just like that, too! Did yours have a seat in the back that faced out the back window? I remember sitting back there and waving to people as my mom or dad drove! Haha! Love your thankful list, too!

  20. So cute and looks like a ton of fun! Visiting from MBC! Have a great weekend! Stop by, if you get a chance. We’d love to have ya :)

    Your new friends,
    koco & viking

    We’d love for you to come by and enter our huge giveaway that ends 1/22! 4 packages worth $69-$89 each!

  21. OMG, Mama Hen, you definitely have to put together a book of all of your fantastic quotes - they are brilliant and right on!! They remind all of us of what's important every day!!

    That car is something else - mint and wood...hummm - who designed that?!?!

    LOVE the ice on the driveway - when you say "SHEET," you mean SHEET!!



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