Sunday, September 21, 2014

Love at First Sight

"God blesses us all with an abundance of love.
We must cherish this present and let it show every moment." ~Mama Hen
Little Chick has been a foster mommy to kittens for four weeks now and doing a fabulous job! I am so proud of her! One little kitty was very attached to Little Chick from the very first day. While all the other kittens would run around and play, while Little Chick is in the room this little kitty would walk right over to her and climb into her lap. Little Chick has been snuggling with her from day one and one could say it was love at first sight. I surprised Little Chick with letting her know that this one particular kitty is not just being fostered by her any more. She is now the mommy. Little Chick was elated upon the news! On the first day Little Chick had already named all of the little kittens in her care. The kitty that is now her baby is named Jellybean.


  1. So precious! What a lucky little girl (and kitten!)

  2. What sweet photos of Little Chick and JellyBean! I know how wonderful it is to have a kitty that loves to snuggle beside me. :-)


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