"You can't turn back time, but you can reminisce
about the joys you had with loved ones."
~Mama Hen
Have you ever wished that you had a remote control to your life and could simply press "rewind"? I think about that a lot. I guess because there are so many things in the past that I would love to revisit again. Living in the same town that I grew up in allows for a lot of reminiscing. I will drive down a certain road at a particular time of day and something about the lighting of the sun filtering through the trees will remind me of when I was a child looking out of the back window of my parents car. Thirty nine years of driving on the same roads can generate a lot of memories.
One particular time I would love to rewind was Christmas time in our house. My mom always made everything so special! I can remember the music playing, the aroma of her delicious dinner cooking, the decorations and the anticipation of Santa coming. I love that feeling and still feel it when the holidays approach. I try to make things just as special for Little Chick so she, too, will have these fond memories and yearnings to "rewind". 

My big sister and I waiting to hear Santa's sled jingling over our house.
What do you wish you could "rewind"?
Awww this is such a precious photo!
ReplyDeleteI love the time of life when my children were little. Those adoring eyes, everything they do and say is so cute. If I could rewind, I'd relive those early years again. In a second!
ReplyDeleteYou are so cute in that photo!
Such a cute photo! There are many moments I would love to rewind and go back to! I hope to give my boys many special memories too, in hope that they will "rewind" in there mind and remember all of our wonderful times together! I hope you are having a great week! Thursday we are off to go camping! I am so excited, this will be the boys first camping trip together!
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas too! The crisp air, the festive feeling, the feeling of love everywhere and going crazy shopping for my kids...
ReplyDeleteLove to you
I've Become My Mother
Reminiscing (sigh) I love that. Way cute photo! I also hope to create lovely memories for my kids to remember too. But I would definitely love to have a remote control to life and pass it down to my kids, so lovely:-D
ReplyDeleteI feel you! I'm the most nostalgic person and I always wish there was a rewind button!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could go back to when my oldest was a baby. There was just something so magical about that time
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post! There are lots of moments in my past I wish I could revisit so I could get reacquainted with the details of my memories... words said, expressions made, laughs shared.
ReplyDeleteI miss and wish I could turn back the clock to the day I gave birth to my little girl. Since it is impossible, my and hubby watches the video captured on the blessed day, almost everyday to reminisce the beautiful memory :) Sound silly, I know :)
ReplyDeleteI would "rewind" the days when my oldest son was very small. I was working as a teacher full-time and don't think I took the time to cherish moments like I should have...this makes me sad every day...especially since I am staying at home and able to do that with my youngest now
ReplyDeleteGreat post yet again!
That's such a great photo! I mostly wish for the rewind button when I eat my mom's home cooking. When she would make rice and beans, the whole house was fragrant with culantro, linguisa, and garlic. My mom would play salsa music and dance with my dad in the kitchen. It was such a good time in our lives, and I always want to be able to experience it one more time.
ReplyDeleteLove this post. Such a cute photo! :-) I wish I could rewind the times the neighbor kids and I would get together and build forts down by the creek, camp out on summer nights, and scare ourselves with ghost stories. :-) And ride my horse...the times I didn't get thrown off. :-)
ReplyDeleteCanning looks daunting, but it's just all that big equipment. Big canner, big kettles. Once you have a system set up, it's really very simple. So fun, so satisfying. :-)
I wish I could rewind to Christmas 2007. My daughter was 6, my son was 3, and our whole big happy family was celebrating Christmas.
ReplyDeleteNYE we went out to dinner with my sister and her husband while my parents watched the kids. We all stayed up till midnight (kids included) and had a great time. Everyone stayed over. When I kissed my parents goodbye the next morning, they were headed down to Florida for winter...We had no clue about what was looming ahead in 2008. My Dad was perfectly healthy and fine when he left, but very sick by the end of January. Valentine's day we got the diagnosis and we lost him on April 29, 2008.
That's where I would rewind to....freeze time at the holidays in 2007.
ya know, i really don't know what i'd rewind to. maybe life before kids so i could understand how i spent my free time!
ReplyDeleteWhat sweet memories! It's great to see a picture of you so little! Reminds me of the carefree days of growing up playing in the front yard with my brother and neighbors.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Very clean look and feel to it--and refreshing to come to! Found you from a comment on another blog. I miss being little--but, I get to make sure I pass on my fun memories to my daughter now and make sure she has the chance to experience what I got to experience when I was younger. :)
That is an easy answer for me...I would rewind to almost two years ago when my son was born. I had him just a little before Thanksgiving. We got to enjoy the entire season with him. It was such a magical time! I long for that feeling again :)
ReplyDeletehi mama hen! i also wish i could turn back time, haha! and my oh my, this post makes me excited for Christmas! it has been 2 years that we haven't celebrated Christmas season (sadly, no such celebration here)..but hopefully we can go home before the 25th of December..have a cheerful day to you and little chick! =)
ReplyDeleteOh boy, that question is almost too loaded for me to answer. I have regrets and times I wish I could live over because they were so amazing. Just gave you an award....didn't think you had enought yet :-)
ReplyDeleteAwww thats precious!!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could turn back the clock for one day and hang out with my sister when we lived with my grandmother. It is some of the best memories I have! It's funny b/c we were just talking about these times when we celebrated my grandma's 86th bday! :) Great post!
ReplyDeleteI learned in my astronomy class in college that time travel is possible. So, one day (far in the future), humans may get that chance to go back or forth in time. Yeah, I often think about my childhood and how sometimes I could go back and fix a few mistakes.
ReplyDeleteI got the button added!!
Hey Mama Hen, stopping by to say thanks for all you're doing! You have such a positive outlook on life and memories :) I'm joining in Thanksgiving Thursday, my post is scheduled for tonight at 11 pm Eastern time. Let's do the Nestwork post at 11 pm Eastern time Thursday night :)
ReplyDeleteI also loved Christmas time each year!! I look forward to sharing that with Isis - it's like seeing it all over again through a child's eyes!
ReplyDeleteLove that picture of you with your sister! And yes- Christmas is a magically memory in my mind as well. You are making so many memories for LC, so don't worry! She will have many magical memories! I also wish I could rewind to the summer of 1980 when my parents took my brother and I on a cross country road trip from PA to California and back. We didn't repeat any states and stopped at every well known "thing" you can think of along the way. I would love to repeat that trip now. I would appreciate it more on so many levels! I mentioned you at the end of my post tonight- hope that's okay.
ReplyDeleteI adore your photo with your sister. I don't think I would rewind anything myself. I've thought of that a lot, but there is too many spots of ick snuggled in with the good.